11 research outputs found

    Dampak Visual Complexity Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen dalam Bisnis Ritel

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    Abstrak. Seiring dengan meningkatnya perekonomian di Indonesia, tingginya daya beli konsumen juga berdampak pada kemunculan brand baru yang jumlahnya meningkat secara signifikan di pasar ritel. Bisnis teh kemasan yang mulanya didominasi oleh dua pemain sekarang sangat kompetitif dengan lebih dari 20 brand teh, juga peningkatan konsumsi cokelat sebesar lebih dari 25 persen per tahun yang membuat jajaran display cokelat di supermarket semakin meluas. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi produsen dan retailer untuk menyusun strategi penjualan demi mendapatkan keuntungan sebesar-besarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh tingkat kompleksitas display terhadap proses evaluasi konsumen dan keinginan konsumen untuk membeli suatu produk. Penelitian ini juga akan menganalisa pengaruh karakter field dependence serta tujuan belanja konsumen terhadap daya tarik produk (perceived attractiveness). Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui 3 studi eksperimen dengan metode ANOVA 2x2. Studi 1 menganalisa stimuli abstrak, studi 2 menganalisa produk real dan studi 3 menambahkan analisa eye tracking. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa semakin kompleks display suatu produk, maka daya tarik produk akan dinilai semakin rendah, terutama bagi konsumen utilitarian dengan karakter field dependent.Kata kunci: Kemasan, processing fluency, minat beli, ritel, kompleksitas visualAbstract. Along with the rapid economic growth in Indonesia, high buying power led to significant emergence of new-comers brand in retail market. Bottled tea business that used to dominated by two brands, now become highly competitive with more than 20 brands in the market, also an increase in chocolate consumption by more than 25 percent per year making chocolate display in supermarkets become remarkably widespread. This is challenge for manufacturers and retailers to develop strategy to gain maximum profit. This research aims to analyze the effect of display's visual complexity on consumers evaluation process and purchase intention. This research also analyzes the effect of consumer field dependence and shopping goal on perceived target attractiveness. This research consists of 3 experimental studies, each in ANOVA 2x2. Study 1 analyze abstract stimuli, study 2 analyze real product and study 3 complements with eye tracking data. The results prove that the more complex is the product's display, the more product target attractiveness will be rated lower, especially for utilitarian customer with field dependent character.Keywords: Package, processing fluency, purchase intention, retail, visual complexit

    Dampak Visual Complexity Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen dalam Bisnis Ritel

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    Abstrak. Seiring dengan meningkatnya perekonomian di Indonesia, tingginya daya beli konsumen juga berdampak pada kemunculan brand baru yang jumlahnya meningkat secara signifikan di pasar ritel. Bisnis teh kemasan yang mulanya didominasi oleh dua pemain sekarang sangat kompetitif dengan lebih dari 20 brand teh, juga peningkatan konsumsi cokelat sebesar lebih dari 25 persen per tahun yang membuat jajaran display cokelat di supermarket semakin meluas. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi produsen dan retailer untuk menyusun strategi penjualan demi mendapatkan keuntungan sebesar-besarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh tingkat kompleksitas display terhadap proses evaluasi konsumen dan keinginan konsumen untuk membeli suatu produk. Penelitian ini juga akan menganalisa pengaruh karakter field dependence serta tujuan belanja konsumen terhadap daya tarik produk (perceived attractiveness). Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui 3 studi eksperimen dengan metode ANOVA 2x2. Studi 1 menganalisa stimuli abstrak, studi 2 menganalisa produk real dan studi 3 menambahkan analisa eye tracking. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa semakin kompleks display suatu produk, maka daya tarik produk akan dinilai semakin rendah, terutama bagi konsumen utilitarian dengan karakter field dependent.Kata kunci: Kemasan, processing fluency, minat beli, ritel, kompleksitas visualAbstract. Along with the rapid economic growth in Indonesia, high buying power led to significant emergence of new-comers brand in retail market. Bottled tea business that used to dominated by two brands, now become highly competitive with more than 20 brands in the market, also an increase in chocolate consumption by more than 25 percent per year making chocolate display in supermarkets become remarkably widespread. This is challenge for manufacturers and retailers to develop strategy to gain maximum profit. This research aims to analyze the effect of display's visual complexity on consumers evaluation process and purchase intention. This research also analyzes the effect of consumer field dependence and shopping goal on perceived target attractiveness. This research consists of 3 experimental studies, each in ANOVA 2x2. Study 1 analyze abstract stimuli, study 2 analyze real product and study 3 complements with eye tracking data. The results prove that the more complex is the product's display, the more product target attractiveness will be rated lower, especially for utilitarian customer with field dependent character.Keywords: Package, processing fluency, purchase intention, retail, visual complexit

    Indonesian Mom-Influencers: The New Representative Faces of Corporations through Instagram Studying the Effect of Endorsers and Corporate Credibility on Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intention

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    Abstract. Mom-influencers are a new medium used by businesses to reach a market segment of young mothers. This phenomenon has developed as young mothers increasingly turn to social media for up-to-date information on how to parent and what products they need. This study explores the effect of the credibility of mom-influencers as endorsers and corporate credibility on consumers' attitudes towards advertisements, attitudes towards the brand, and purchase intention. This study targeted Indonesian participants who followed an Instagram-verified mom-influencer page on their Instagram account. The data were collected with an online questionnaire and processed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The results show that corporate credibility determines Indonesian consumers' attitudes towards advertisements and brands, as well as purchase intention. Meanwhile, source credibility boosts corporate awareness by gaining consumer attention through promotions.Keywords: Attitude, Credibility, Mom-Influencers, Purchase IntentionAbstrak. Mom-influencer adalah media baru yang digunakan oleh bisnis untuk menjangkau segmen pasar ibu-ibu muda. Fenomena ini telah berkembang ketika ibu-ibu muda semakin banyak beralih ke media sosial untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini tentang cara menjadi orang tua dan produk apa yang mereka butuhkan. Studi ini mengeksplorasi efek kredibilitas mom-influencer sebagai endorser dan kredibilitas perusahaan pada sikap konsumen terhadap iklan, sikap terhadap merek, dan niat beli. Penelitian ini menyasar peserta Indonesia yang mengikuti akun mom-influencer yang terverifikasi Instagram di akun Instagram mereka. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner online dan diproses menggunakan partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa kredibilitas perusahaan menentukan sikap konsumen Indonesia terhadap iklan dan merek, serta niat pembelian. Sementara itu, kredibilitas dari sumber meningkatkan kesadaran perusahaan dengan mendapatkan perhatian konsumen melalui promosi.Kata kunci: Sikap, Kredibilitas, Mom-Influencers, Niat Bel

    Factors Influencing Willingness to Invest in Peer-to-Peer Lending

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    Abstract. The present study examines factors which influence willingness to invest in peer-to-peer lending. While many other studies have discussed peer-to-peer lending, few have focused on the lender's perspective or on the expected return variable. This quantitative study uses the non-probability sampling method with 157 online questionnaire respondents from Jakarta and Tangerang, along with the PLS method of analysis. The results obtained from SmartPLS show that company reputation and expected return had a positive influence on trust and that trust, in turn, had a positive influence on willingness to invest. Conversely, perceived risk was shown to have no influence on trust. From this research, it can be concluded that if a peer-to-peer lending platform desires to be more successful, it should consider focusing on improving the company's reputation and on setting a higher rate of return, rather than on the risk perceived by lenders.Keywords: peer-to-peer lending platforms, lenders, perceived risk, trust, willingness to investAbstrak. Penelitian ini mengukur faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemauan untuk berinvestasi pada peer-to-peer lending. Topik mengenai peer-to-peer lending sudah banyak dibahas pada berbagai studi tetapi masih sedikit yang berfokus membahas dari sisi pendana, selain itu hanya terdapat sedikit penelitian yang membahas variabel pengembalian yang diharapkan. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan metode non-probability sampling dengan 157 responden dari wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang menggunakan kuesioner online. Dengan menggunakan metode PLS, hasil yang diperoleh dari SmartPLS menunjukkan bahwa reputasi perusahaan dan pengembalian yang diharapkan berpengaruh positif terhadap kepercayaan. Selain itu, kepercayaan juga berpengaruh positif terhadap kemauan untuk berinvestasi. Menariknya, risiko yang dirasakan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepercayaan. Dari penelitian ini, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa jika sebuah perusahaan peer-to-peer lending ingin lebih berhasil, sebaiknya lebih berfokus dalam meningkatkan reputasi dari perusahaan dan tingkat pengembalian yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan berfokus terhadap risiko yang dirasakan oleh pendana.Kata kunci: platform peer-to-peer lending, pendana, risiko yang dirasakan, kepercayaan, kemauan untuk berinvestas


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    Company X is a reputable company that has more than 1000 people employees. One of the routines that performed by company X is orientation for new employees, and there is an event that invites them to visit the factory. The location of the main office and the factory is far, so this activity lacks time efficiency. This application aims to facilitate company X in conducting new employee orientation so that the location can be seen in the virtual world. The first thing in the process of making the application is visiting the factory to determine the shape and position of the object, so that the expected results are shown to resemble its original condition. 3d object and its texture are created using Blender application that can be imported into the made application. Collision feature aims to prevent users from penetrating the objects.The position, shape and location of objects contained in the application already resemble the original plant site. The main obstacle in making this application is the creation time, so the detailed map of the plant cannot be completed. The main building, the production building and the warehouse have been made, only small objects contained in the main building have not been contained

    The Influence of Brand Image, Social Environment and Cult Brand on Behavioral Intention of Smartphone Users

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    Entering the current digital and globalization era, people socialize using communication technology in all their activities. This makes the technology and communication industry develop very rapidly, one of which is the smartphone. This study aims to determine the effect of brand image on behavioural intention, the influence of social environment on behavioural intention, and the influence of brand cult on behavioural intention. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires online to research samples domiciled in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) and have used the same smartphone for three years. A total of 233 respondents were collected using a purposive sampling technique. This study was analyzed using the PLS-SEM method. The results of this study indicate that brand image and brand cult have a positive and significant effect on behavioural intention. In contrast, the social environment has a positive but insignificant effect on behavioural intention. This shows that brand image and culture have a big impact on the smartphone industry and are determining factors that attract consumers to repurchase smartphone products. Based on the research results, the company is expected to be able to express its activities through marketing that consumers can realize and can also build a product that can meet the needs and desires of consumers. Companies must also have a differentiator from other brands outside of product, delivery, messaging, or marketing strategies

    The Determinant Factors of the Intention to Participate in Crowdfunding Activities in Jakarta Area

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    The purpose of this study is to determine factors of the intention to participate in crowdfunding activities in Jakarta area. The population in this study are general consumers in Jakarta. The sample in this study are 239 respondents with the characteristics of those who had participated/not in crowdfunding activities, residing or domiciled in Jakarta. Purposive sampling technique is applied for this study, conducted by online survey in January 2019. A hypothesized model is used to analyse the relationship between the variables and tested by using SEM-PLS. The results of the study shows four hypotheses are supported and two hypotheses are rejected. The results of this study show that attitude toward helping others brings significant effect on social identification with the crowdfunding community. Furthermore, motivation, role of crowdfunding platform and social identification have significant effect on the intention to participate with the crowdfunding. However, interpersonal connectivity has no significant effect on social identification with the crowdfunding community and innovativeness has no significant effect on the intention to participate with the crowdfundin